Your ski pass
Ski passes: single and multi-day tickets

until 01.05.25
One-dayandmulti-dayskipasses JG 1920-2006
2 countries - 1 skiing experience. You can get your ski pass for the Kleinwalsertal-Oberstdorf ski region directly from us. Whether for just 1 day or several days, simply select your desired period.
You can then collect your ticket from our store.
3,- € deposit for the chip card

until 01.05.25
One-dayandmulti-dayskipasses(forstudents,pupils,etc.) JG 1999-2007
2 countries - 1 skiing experience. You can get your ski pass for the Kleinwalsertal-Oberstdorf ski region directly from us. Whether for just 1 day or several days, simply select your desired period.
You can then collect your ticket from our store.
3,- € deposit for the chip card
The ‘Student Card’ can also be booked for school pupils, those doing military or civilian service and trainees in the age group described above with a valid ID/document.

until 01.05.25
One-dayandmulti-dayskipasses JG 2007-2025
2 countries - 1 skiing experience. You can get your ski pass for the Kleinwalsertal-Oberstdorf ski region directly from us. Whether for just 1 day or several days, simply select your desired period.
You can then collect your ticket from our store.
3,- € deposit for the chip card

available soon
Kesslernightskiingticket JG 1920-2024
Your ticket for evening fun on the Kesslerlift.
Cruise comfortably through the night by floodlight on Wednesdays from 7pm to 9pm.
3,- € deposit for the chip card
Night skiing on KESSLER LIFT
Tickets NIGHT skiing